● Peer-reviewed articles
Khosrowi, Donal, and Philippe van Basshuysen. American Philosophical Quarterly, 61 (4): 309–325, 2024.
In a sentence: Risk assessment tools like COMPAS may reinforce propensities to criminal behavior, which poses novel challenges for the development of these tools.
Ortmann, Jakob, and Walter Veit. Environmental Values 32(1): 65-89, 2023.
In a sentence: What if the way we model failing climate change coordination contributes to a tragic self-fulfilling prophecy? This paper develops epistemic and normative grounds for what scientific advisors, such as the IPCC, should do and say.
van Basshuysen, Philippe. Philosophy of Science, 90(5):1459-1468, 2023.
In a sentence: Like Austin’s “performatives”, some models are used not merely to represent, but also to change their targets in various ways; I argue that these models can be evaluated with respect to their “felicity”, i.e. whether their use has achieved this purpose.
● Peer-reviewed articles
Khosrowi, Donal, and Philippe van Basshuysen. American Philosophical Quarterly, 61 (4): 309–325, 2024.
In a sentence: Risk assessment tools like COMPAS may reinforce propensities to criminal behavior, which poses novel challenges for the development of these tools.
Ortmann, Jakob, and Walter Veit. Environmental Values 32(1): 65-89, 2023.
In a sentence: What if the way we model failing climate change coordination contributes to a tragic self-fulfilling prophecy? This paper develops epistemic and normative grounds for what scientific advisors, such as the IPCC, should do and say.
van Basshuysen, Philippe. Philosophy of Science, 90(5):1459-1468, 2023.
In a sentence: Like Austin’s “performatives”, some models are used not merely to represent, but also to change their targets in various ways; I argue that these models can be evaluated with respect to their “felicity”, i.e. whether their use has achieved this purpose.
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© 2025 maps-project.com
● MAPS is supported by:
Funded by the European Union (ERC, MAPS, 101115973). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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